Enjoy your discussion of how James Gatzy became Jay Gatsby. Think about today's lesson: Look for motifs (patterns) among Fitzgerald's descriptions, and try to figure what larger themes are starting to emerge. You can do it!
Does this chapter foreshadow anything about the relationship between Daisy or Daisy and Gatsby? Do you think Tom is a hypocrite for suspecting Daisy of getting around?
I think that the signifigance of green is that it means renewal. In Islam when a couple is getting married they are wearing green to signify the new beginning. To me the light means the hope of a new beginning
On Pg. 112 it talks about how Daisy and Gatsby are dancing. Does Tom not care or is he okay with them dancing. I think that it would bother him especially since Gatsby knew Daisy in the past
EVA,I think Tom is a Super hypocrite, and i think she would have the right to, since he's "kind of" doing it to. I think that he thinks that since he's a man, he can do that. Plus it has alot to do with his image,he doesn't think anythings wrong with what he's doing.
I think Tom is a huge hypocrite for being suspicious about Daisy having affairs, i think he has the mind set that he can do whatever he want but Daisy HAS to be devoted to him and she can't love anyone else besides Tom. I wonder if deep down if Tom is insecure about himself.
Kendle, I do not think that Daisy will leave Tom because even though money might be happiness for her, Tom is still the one that she tells herself that she loves. I think that she is too afraid to leave Tom and loves him to much to ever do that. If it was just about the money, I think that she would have already left Tom by now.
I think that Dan Cody had a huge affect on Gatsby because he's the reason that he stopped drinking and he's the reason that he wanted to be so wealthy.
I think the color green represents eveything that Daisy wants, like money and a better life. Like Erin said, when an Islamic couple gets married, it stands for a new beginning, and I think that’s what Daisy wants.
In the Great Gatsby no one knows about any of the characters. They are wrapped in mystery. Is it American culture to keep our inner selves hidden? It also reminds me of the book Three Cups of Tea. In this book the baltisan culture is very open in the sense that a person has no secrets. So how did the American culture become a culture where reveling who you truly are is almost a taboo?
I think that Dan Cody symbolizes people trying to become better than what they are. Gatsby uses this man to change his persona and he strives to be great throughout the rest of his life.
I think about Gatsby changing his name is because Cody gave him that name and cody had everything gatsby wanted. it was his dream to be like him and have all the wealth and luxury as he did. Once gatsby saw how he lived he wanted it ever since then. I think that also followed when he met Daisy. I think she is also apart of gatspy's dream. To me the dream isnt realistic and i think since he has all of his dream now, sort of, the dream is gone.
Kendle I do not think that Daisy will leave Tom, I think she just likes the attention Gatsby gives her, but she will never really have the guts to leave everything she has.
Eva I do think Tom is a hypocrite for suspecting Daisy goes around, he has no place to say any thing. I think he might be jealous that she has another life that he is not part of.
I think Gatsby changed his name because he didn't like the name he recieved from his family. He felt different from his family and when he runs away to sea with Cody he needs a new life and a new start. He becomes Gatsby the millionar not James Gatz the farmer.
I agree with you Maggie, if Daisy just wanted money then she would've left Tom by now, but Daisy didn't really want to marry Tom in the first place because she loved Gatsby. So I still think she could leave Tom for Gatsby even though it may not be for his money.
Why do you think Gatsby changed his name? When we first began this novel, we all thought there was something mysterious about Gatsby. Is he still being mysterious or do we know everything about him? What does Gatsby think is going to happen between Daisy Tom? Does he think that she will leave him and move across the bay to be with Gatsby? What are Daisy's feelings towards this situation?
Margaret, I agree with that, but since Gatsby is in love with her and has sooo much more money than Tom does,do you think that it could change her mind in the end? To me it seems like she's blinded by money. Or will she care about her image in society more?
I feel that Daisey has become a little less important. Daisey was Gatsby's unicorn she was the thing he could never get, or catch. Now that Gatsby has Daisey he no longer has the drive and sparkle for her like he did before.
I think gatsby feels that intoxication is beneath him. It would appear he has more important things to be doing than being drunk. He might also feel vulnerable when he cant really make is own choices.
The reason I think that Gatsby change his name is because he realized that he can leave who was and become something new. At almost every point in a persons life we all want to change who we are. He just found the opputunity to change
Meredith, i like your ending, i hope that she could leave Tom,and go to Gatsby for more than his money, this story is so hard to figure out what the outcome to be!!!
Kendle, I think that perhaps the time that she has spent growing closer to Gatsby and finding out more about him and how much money he truely has could in the end be the deciding factor for her to leave Tom and go with Gatsby.
I think Gatsby is a very insecure person and thats why he is constantly changeing himself. And when he met Dan he might have seen what he wanted to become. He is also scarred that he will show his real self so he shows off.
Do you think that Gatsby has an skewed reality, one that is based off of his love money and how great he thinks he is. He seems to think that just because he is rich he can recreat the past.
When gatsby met cody he saw how much he drank and he was asked to protect him while he drank. I think he learned a lot of the concequences of drinking which make him not want to drink himself. I also think he is very interested in other people and likes watching them and who they are when they are intoxicated.
We find out or are hinted to why Gatsby doesnt drink in chapter six. On page 100 it says that "It was directly due to Cody that Gatsby drank so little."
Chapter six reveals Gatsby’s true name is Gatz and also shows much of Gatsby’s unknown past. On the blog there were a lot of questions asked about the relationships between everyone at this point in the book. I personally believe Gatsby’s and Daisy’s affair losing its love that it had in the beginning of their affair because Daisy is realizing that Tom really does care about her. “’I’d like to know who he is and what he does,’ insisted Tom. And I think I’ll make a point of finding out.” This quote shows that Tom is concerned for Daisy and really does not want to lose her, even though Daisy does not realize this not she soon does. So this chapter foreshadows what is going to play out in the rest of the book.
Arnt Daisey and Nick cousins?
Since money might be happiness for Daisy, do you think that will make her fall for Gatsby completely? And leave Tom?
Pat, yes they are
Does this chapter foreshadow anything about the relationship between Daisy or Daisy and Gatsby? Do you think Tom is a hypocrite for suspecting Daisy of getting around?
I feel that the color green is always items that symbolize how to stay close to Daisy
yes they are cousins pat
what would make Gatsby want to change his name? what was wrong with the first one?
I think that the signifigance of green is that it means renewal. In Islam when a couple is getting married they are wearing green to signify the new beginning. To me the light means the hope of a new beginning
On Pg. 112 it talks about how Daisy and Gatsby are dancing. Does Tom not care or is he okay with them dancing. I think that it would bother him especially since Gatsby knew Daisy in the past
EVA,I think Tom is a Super hypocrite, and i think she would have the right to, since he's "kind of" doing it to. I think that he thinks that since he's a man, he can do that. Plus it has alot to do with his image,he doesn't think anythings wrong with what he's doing.
I think Tom is a huge hypocrite for being suspicious about Daisy having affairs, i think he has the mind set that he can do whatever he want but Daisy HAS to be devoted to him and she can't love anyone else besides Tom. I wonder if deep down if Tom is insecure about himself.
I do not think that Daisy will leave Tom because even though money might be happiness for her, Tom is still the one that she tells herself that she loves. I think that she is too afraid to leave Tom and loves him to much to ever do that. If it was just about the money, I think that she would have already left Tom by now.
I think that Dan Cody had a huge affect on Gatsby because he's the reason that he stopped drinking and he's the reason that he wanted to be so wealthy.
I think the color green represents eveything that Daisy wants, like money and a better life. Like Erin said, when an Islamic couple gets married, it stands for a new beginning, and I think that’s what Daisy wants.
In the Great Gatsby no one knows about any of the characters. They are wrapped in mystery. Is it American culture to keep our inner selves hidden? It also reminds me of the book Three Cups of Tea. In this book the baltisan culture is very open in the sense that a person has no secrets. So how did the American culture become a culture where reveling who you truly are is almost a taboo?
I think that Dan Cody symbolizes people trying to become better than what they are. Gatsby uses this man to change his persona and he strives to be great throughout the rest of his life.
I think about Gatsby changing his name is because Cody gave him that name and cody had everything gatsby wanted. it was his dream to be like him and have all the wealth and luxury as he did. Once gatsby saw how he lived he wanted it ever since then. I think that also followed when he met Daisy. I think she is also apart of gatspy's dream. To me the dream isnt realistic and i think since he has all of his dream now, sort of, the dream is gone.
Kendle I do not think that Daisy will leave Tom, I think she just likes the attention Gatsby gives her, but she will never really have the guts to leave everything she has.
Eva I do think Tom is a hypocrite for suspecting Daisy goes around, he has no place to say any thing. I think he might be jealous that she has another life that he is not part of.
Do you think that Gatsby loves Daisy less now that she's not so unreachable?
I think Gatsby changed his name because he didn't like the name he recieved from his family. He felt different from his family and when he runs away to sea with Cody he needs a new life and a new start. He becomes Gatsby the millionar not James Gatz the farmer.
I think the way that Gatsby get his money is connected to the mysterious job he offers Nick in the last chapter
I agree with you Maggie, if Daisy just wanted money then she would've left Tom by now, but Daisy didn't really want to marry Tom in the first place because she loved Gatsby. So I still think she could leave Tom for Gatsby even though it may not be for his money.
On page 100 the book talks about how Gatsby doesn't drink. Why doesn't Gatsby drink? It is almost like him and Daisy are parrell
Why do you think Gatsby changed his name? When we first began this novel, we all thought there was something mysterious about Gatsby. Is he still being mysterious or do we know everything about him? What does Gatsby think is going to happen between Daisy Tom? Does he think that she will leave him and move across the bay to be with Gatsby? What are Daisy's feelings towards this situation?
Margaret, I agree with that, but since Gatsby is in love with her and has sooo much more money than Tom does,do you think that it could change her mind in the end? To me it seems like she's blinded by money. Or will she care about her image in society more?
I feel that Daisey has become a little less important. Daisey was Gatsby's unicorn she was the thing he could never get, or catch. Now that Gatsby has Daisey he no longer has the drive and sparkle for her like he did before.
I think gatsby feels that intoxication is beneath him. It would appear he has more important things to be doing than being drunk. He might also feel vulnerable when he cant really make is own choices.
Gatsby doesn't drink because Dan Cody would always be drunk and he had to always take care of him, i can't seem to find the page but i'll try to.
I would have to agree with glen i think that gatsby's money was unsavory and that he might even be included in an organized crime.
The reason I think that Gatsby change his name is because he realized that he can leave who was and become something new. At almost every point in a persons life we all want to change who we are. He just found the opputunity to change
Meredith, i like your ending, i hope that she could leave Tom,and go to Gatsby for more than his money, this story is so hard to figure out what the outcome to be!!!
I think that perhaps the time that she has spent growing closer to Gatsby and finding out more about him and how much money he truely has could in the end be the deciding factor for her to leave Tom and go with Gatsby.
I think Gatsby is a very insecure person and thats why he is constantly changeing himself. And when he met Dan he might have seen what he wanted to become. He is also scarred that he will show his real self so he shows off.
Do you think that Gatsby has an skewed reality, one that is based off of his love money and how great he thinks he is. He seems to think that just because he is rich he can recreat the past.
When gatsby met cody he saw how much he drank and he was asked to protect him while he drank. I think he learned a lot of the concequences of drinking which make him not want to drink himself. I also think he is very interested in other people and likes watching them and who they are when they are intoxicated.
We find out or are hinted to why Gatsby doesnt drink in chapter six. On page 100 it says that "It was directly due to Cody that Gatsby drank so little."
On page 100, it talks about Gatsby not drinking because of cody...thats for the none gold band books.
Pat, ya i almost wish that they never met. I think Gatsby would be better off if he still had to sparkle for Daisy, without her.
Gatsby has such a clear image of his past and how great it was with his weath and daisy that he doesnt want to let it go.
Chapter six reveals Gatsby’s true name is Gatz and also shows much of Gatsby’s unknown past. On the blog there were a lot of questions asked about the relationships between everyone at this point in the book. I personally believe Gatsby’s and Daisy’s affair losing its love that it had in the beginning of their affair because Daisy is realizing that Tom really does care about her. “’I’d like to know who he is and what he does,’ insisted Tom. And I think I’ll make a point of finding out.” This quote shows that Tom is concerned for Daisy and really does not want to lose her, even though Daisy does not realize this not she soon does. So this chapter foreshadows what is going to play out in the rest of the book.
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