Monday, April 7, 2008

Live Blogging: Gatsby, Chapter 7

Try to bring in some of your questions and thoughts from the chart you worked on at the beginning of class. Go crazy!


Anonymous said...

hola hola coca cola

WesL said...

Who will Daisy love next chapter, what detirmines this choice?

mikee said...

Did it work?

kelsieb said...

At the end of chapter seven Daisy kills Myrtle. What do you think the symbolism is behind this and what do you think Fitzgerald is going for?

Emily A said...

I think that Daisy will go back to Tom just because after the accident she was so shocked and everytime she is with Gatsby I feel as if she will remember the accident and feel so guilty that she killed Myrtle.

chris c said...

maybe its whoever has the most money is the person that daisy will love haha

kelsieb said...

Wes- I think that Daisy will love Tom because of everything that has happened with Gatsby. She seemed to change her mind once Gatsby put her on the spot with Tom.

brian h. said...

Wes, I don't think there is anybody else to love that we have met. Do you really think she will love someone else?

WesL said...

kelsie, I think that it symbolizes the end of a love affair between Tom and Murtle and possibly between Gatsby and Daisy

Anonymous said...

i agree with emily I think that Daisy will go back to Tom because of her guilt.

JonathanB said...

Will Daisy get in trouble for the accident? Is this the murder that happens in the book? Or are we going to be saying goodbye to another beloved character?

kelsieb said...

I agree with you Wes I think it's symbolizing the end of both affairs and I think going back to your question as well I think it will make Daisy love Tom in the next chapter.

TaylorS2009 said...

I think Daisy will end up with Gatsby because Tom might just think that she knew about him and Myrtle, and so she killed her. And so Tom might just end up divorcing her or something like that and she will just end up with either Gatsby or no one.

mallorym said...

i agree with Wes, I think it symbolizes the end of their love for eachother.

brian h. said...

Kelsie, I think part of the symbolism is that the woman Tom loves was killed by the woman who is his wife. But he didn't really love Daisy. It's very ironic.

jordang said...

There will be retribution for daisy's killing, Scott's life was sad and filled with consequences, so he will not allow his characters to get off free

Pat said...

again, Fitzgerald refrences green alot in this book and only with Gatsby. For an example, in chapter 7 Gatsby's leather in his car is green and his face turns green when the sun hits it. What does the color green symbolize?

eric said...

I agree with Emily at 8:07 when she said Daisy will go back to Tom. I just can't see her going back to Gatsby again. This is like his life when Zelda left him for th french pilot, yet they stuck together so i believe this might be a reflection of that

chris c said...

I'm sure Daisy is going to get into trouble. murder is murder whether it was an accident or not

mikee said...

Wes i think that Daisy will love Tom again because she seemed to have that one special moment with him in the kitchen. Not to mention the memory of her killing Myrtle would return when she is with Gatsby.

kelsieb said...

Jon I think you are asking a good question. Maybe this is really only the beginning to the events.

Emily A said...

With the accident, Tom knows that Gatsby and Daisy were in the car that killed Myrtle, will Tom go to the police and say it was Gatsby that killed Myrtle or will Daisy end up telling Tom that it was her and he will drop the charges and act as if nothing happened? Is anyone going to be punished for Myrtle's death?

kelsieb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ryan f said...

I feel ultimatley that Daisy will end up with Tom based on the idea that Gatsby has sacrificed his life for her, and also took the blame for her wrongdoing in the death of Myrtle. Daisy seems that her happiness varies day to day, and Tom currently seems in control of her happiness. Daisy seems also unreluctant to give up her life for Gatsby's desires.

jordang said...

It is very random: the insertion of the small statement against racial intermarriage. Was Fitzgerald trying to make a statement about race inequality, or just expressing the views of his day?

mikee said...

Pat, does Fitzgerald describe what kind of green it is?

Anonymous said...

Do you think that Daisy is a gold digger and only loves Gatsby now because of his money? I think so because she didn't marry him before because he was poor and she is referred to as a golddigger. I also think this connects to Fitzgerald's life because Zelda wouldn't marry him until he became wealthy.

brian h. said...

Pat, I think green symbolizes something new. Gatsby found a old love but a new relationship. I think he uses this to refresh the relationships that are going on.

kelsieb said...

Who is going to take the blame for Daisy? Someone is going to have to take the blame as Ian said.

mallorym said...

I think that the consequences Daisy will face for hitting Myrtle will end almost everything

WesL said...

Truly what is Nick's role in this plot, is he important or just an observer?

brian h. said...

Julie, all the relationships in this book, except Nick and Jordan's, are based on money. Daisy loves Gatsby because of his money, but she married Tom because he had more money at the time. Myrtle has an affair with Tom because he buys her lots of things. Once these relationships have started based on money, they are always going to be based on money.

eric said...

To kelsie. Why would somebody have to take the blame for Daisy?

mikee said...

Kelsie, i think that it will definately be Gatsby because he would do anything for Daisy, including taking the blame of murder for her.

Anonymous said...

I think that Daisy and Tom will stay together because at the end of the chapter pg 152 it says "There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy..." Besides, if Gatsby takes the blame for Myrtles death he will go to jail. Even if it was an accident, they still left the scene.

kelsieb said...

Julie- I agree with you I think that Fitzgerald is really writing about his life in his chapter when he said that Daisy wouldn't marry Gatsby because he wasn't rich and Tom was. This is much like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda.

jordang said...

Nick is positioned and cast as an observer, and yet he seems to have a direct influence on important events. He helps Gatsby meet Daisy, he brings Gatsby to the party on the hot day, where the tryst is revealed.

ryan f said...

Referring back to Emily's question to whether or not someone will be punished for Myrtle's death, I don't think so. I feel like Gatsby will take the blame initially, and he will eventually either back off that statement, or even act in fear of being taken away from Daisy, rather than left to live out the rest of his life in jail.

kelsieb said...

Eric I think one of the men are going to try and take the blame for her accident to show her that they love her more. I think that one of them will try to clean her name by taking the blame or blaming the other.

jordang said...

Why did Fitsgerald insert this horror style death incident into an other wise sophisticated love drama?
Does it fit with the mood?

brian h. said...

Kelsie, I don't think we can know who will take the blame. I don't think it will be Daisy because she doesn't take the blame for anything. And I don't think Tom will either because his love for Daisy isn't strong enough to take the blame. So it might be Gatsby or it might be someone else.

Emily A said...

Julie- I agree that Daisy is a gold digger because she seems to going be going for money. However I think that Gatsby knows that and that is why he showed her his house and his shirts and everything. In the end is Daisy going to be the down fall for the majority of the characters?

chris c said...

If Gatsby takes the blame for Daisy. Would that be what makes him "The Great Gatsby"?

brian h. said...

Jordan, I think this death does fit the mood. There are all these bad relationships going on and one of them was bound to end up in something bad, even death.

jordang said...

THis chapter does indeed change my mind about many of the characters, Daisy goes from being the sweet wife who is being taken advantage of by her husband to the killer, and Nick, whom most of this was about, has left the center of attention, and given it to Tom and Gatsby

mikee said...

This chapter has changed my view of Daisy because she used to seem very innocent and proper. Now she seems as though she only causes pain to everyone shes with

JonathanB said...

Thank you keslie i agree i do ask good questions.

Pat said...

no it just says green. I personaly think it symbolizes hope, what do you think?

Anonymous said...

When Wilson tells Tom that he is taking Myrtle away I think that Tom finally realizes that his bad decisions are going to make him end up alone. He went from two women to zero in one day!

kelsieb said...

Brian that's a good point that Tom doesn't love Daisy enough to take the blame and plus Myrtle is gone so his thoughts could be somewhere else

ryan f said...

I completely agree with Jordans in that Nick seems to be a bystander in the major events in the book, yet he has played a vital role in the meeting of major characters, and he seems to also hold the information needed to control the rest of the book.

chris c said...

why hope pat?

eric said...

Oh...good call kelsie. I see what you mean now, good call i agree as well because Gatsby was in the car with her, and to prove his love for her he would do such a thing

Pat said...

I think Daisy is the problem because she is the one that is leading on both Gatsby and tom. She needs to make a deccesion

kelsieb said...

Jordan I agree with you this chapter changed all of my views of the characters. I almost feel bad for Tom now because even though he was a bad guy in the end no one deserves that

Anonymous said...

Do you think that Tom is kind of glad that Myrtle is dead so that Wilson can't take her away. If he can't have her then no one can.

brian h. said...

Nick seems to be a means to an end. He is the one who brings everyone together. So he is still in the middle of it all. It's just that he is the one who ties the story up.

mikee said...

You might be on to something but I think it may also be pain, because Gatsby has had his car for a while and the interior has always been green. That was even through the time he was so lost without Daisy. When it says the light reflects of the seats and turns his face green, i think that is somewhat of a foreshadow maybe. We know that he is always affected by Daisy's pain so that might be a possibility.

ryan f said...

My opinion of Tom cjanged in this chapter because he seems like a hypocrite. This is based on how he has no morals about his own personnal affairs, yet when he confronts Gatsby about he and Daisy, he acts as if he is an outraged victim.

Anonymous said...

on pg. 143 I think Nick is thinking about marrying Jordan.

MadisonF said...

I think that daisy killed murtal out of jelousy.
I agree that Daisy will go back to Tom becuase of guilt.