Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

"The Mnister's Black Veil": Live Blogging

Remember to use proper grammar and spelling, and aim to make around five thoughtful comments. Hit the F5 key to refresh. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"A Rose for Emily": Live Blogging

Remember that your goal is to make around five thoughtful comments. Make sure you read others' comments before posting your own to avoid repeating other people's ideas (hit the F5 key to refresh).


Monday, November 3, 2008

"The Lottery": Live Blogging

Remember that your goal is to make around five thoughtful comments. Try not to repeat what others have already said; instead, form your own opinions, using your annotations to help you form your thoughts.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Young Goodman Brown": Live Blogging

This is a difficult story; use the blog to ask questions and start putting the pieces together. Remember to use proper spelling and grammar. Enjoy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

"The Tell-Tale Heart": Live Blogging

Use this space to discuss "The Tell-Tale Heart" on the outer circle. Remember that you are aiming to make around five thoughtful questions and comments. Be sure to refer to each other by name so that we know which comment you're responding to, and bring in the text when possible.

Respect our class's level of professionalism by using proper grammar and spelling.

Enjoy! Remember that you need to hit the F5 key to refresh.

Friday, October 24, 2008

"Fall of the House of Usher": Live Blogging

If you're sitting on the outer circle, aim to make about five thoughtful comments and/or questions. You can respond to the discussion on the inner circle, or you can develop your own, separate conversation on the outer circle.

Remember to refer to people by name and to use proper grammar and spelling.

Enjoy! Hit the F5 button to refresh.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Live Blogging: Gatsby, Chapter 9


It's your last chance to offer your thoughts and pose your burning questions about The Great Gatsby, so let's make it impressive.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Live Blogging: Gatsby, Chapter 8

Challenge yourself to bring in your annotations, your ideas from the writing prompt, and your originality. Enjoy!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Live Blogging: Gatsby, Chapter 7

Try to bring in some of your questions and thoughts from the chart you worked on at the beginning of class. Go crazy!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Live Blogging: Gatsby, Chapter 5

A few reminders...

Be thorough as you explain your thinking (I love it when you bring in quotes).

Keep your grammar polished.

Refresh by hitting the F5 key.

Have fun!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Live Blogging: Gatsby, Chapter 4

The outer circle's comments have been impressive in both quality and quantity so far; keep up the enthusiasm, and make textual references when you can. Also, try to get into the inner circle at some point--it keeps the discussion lively. Enjoy, and have a safe spring break!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Live Blogging: Gatsby, Chapter 3

Please take a moment to review the expectations from Monday's post, then dive right in! Enjoy!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Live Blogging: The Great Gatsby, Chapters 1-2

As you listen to the inner circle, please use the blog to discuss your own thoughts and questions regarding chapters 1-2.

A few reminders:
1. You're aiming to make around 5 quality comments.
2. Your grammar and spelling should be formal and proofread (try typing in Microsoft Word first).
3. Continually hit the F5 key to refresh the page and see new comments.
4. Be interactive--comment on other people's questions and comments.

Have fun!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Live Blogging: Twain

Please try to make at least five comments during class today. Remember to hit the F5 key to refresh your screen.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Live Blogging: The Damned Human Race

As you live blog, please remember the following:

1. Keeping hitting the F5 key to refresh the page and view new comments.
2. Type in Microsoft Word first to make sure you have proper spelling and grammar.
3. Aim to make at least five thoughful comments.
4. Keep the discussion focused and academic.